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Showing posts from February, 2021

Exercise - Its Importance And Benefits

Exercise Guidelines You should start your exercise gently and then gradually elevate the time duration and intensity of your exercise as it will get easier with time You should practice exercise 20 minutes three times a week rather than 60 minutes once a week You should not overdo the exercise as it can be painful or make you ill or overly tired afterward Improvement of general physical skills Physical exercise is used to improve physical skills. Followings are the physical skills that can be improved by doing physical exercise - 1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance 2. Stamina 3. Strength 4. Flexibility 5. Power 6. Speed 7. Coordination 8. Agility 9. Balance 10. Accuracy   Types of exercise D epending on the effects of exercise on the human body,  g enerally physical exercises are of three types -  Flexibility exercises, for example, stretching, which improves the range of motion of joints and muscles Aerobic exercises, like example cycling, walking, swimming

Role of hormone during pregnancy

More than 30 different hormones are secreted in the mother's body throughout the pregnancy. Some of them are especially secreted during pregnancy. For example - Oxytocin, prolactin, HCG, relaxin, etc. Nutritional status and mother's health influence the production of these hormones. Role of hormone in pregnancy HORMONES SOURCES OF SECRETION PRINCIPLE EFFECTS Estrogen Placenta  The growth and maturation of the ovarian follicles are stimulated by estrogen Stimulate breast development during pregnancy Estrogen helps in the growth of the vagina Estrogen increases the motility of the fallopian tube It also causes pigmentation of the areola Progesterone Placenta Stimulate breast development during pregnancy In conjunction with estrogen, it helps in the differentiation of ductal tissue Favours maternal fat deposition Interferes with folic acid metabolism Under the influence of progesterone, the vagina secretes thick mucus and shows leucocytic infiltration Luteinising hormone (LH) Ant

Protein Sparing action of carbohydrate

Protein sparing action means the process by which the body derives energy from sources other than protein. These sources can be carbohydrates, and also dietary fat, and fatty tissues of the body. Protein sparing action of carbohydrates Non-nitrogenous foodstuffs have the potential to spare protein such non-nitrogenous foodstuffs are different sources of carbohydrates and fat. Carbohydrate and protein both contribute 4 kcal per gm, but the primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to carry out daily activities of an individual. Whereas the primary function of protein is growth and maintenance of tissues. Primarily protein does not contribute to energy production if the dietary carbohydrate is sufficient to full fill the daily energy requirement, protein only provides energy when the diet is inadequate in carbohydrate and fat. As our diet is designed in such a pattern that our daily need for energy is full filled with carbohydrate and fat and spare the protein for its essent