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Are you missing out on a nutritional powerhouse? In this crazy busy world, our diets are often lacking in the nutrients we need for optimal health. Many people are struggling to find simple ways to boost their immune system and improve digestion and overall well-being. You may be thinking is there one food that can make a big difference without the need for complicated diets or supplements. Your current diet is failing you You might be eating fruits and vegetables and still not getting the full range of nutrients your body needs. You may be dealing with digestive issues, a weakened immune system or even skin problems and you think you’re eating healthy. The truth is not all fruits are created equal. Some are nutritional powerhouses that can fill gaps in your diet and provide targeted benefits—kiwi is one of them. The Kiwi—Your secret weapon for health The kiwi also known as kiwifruit is more than just a tangy sweet fruit. It’s a nutritional dynamo packed with vitamins, minera

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What is the role of hormones in obesity?

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