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Showing posts from April, 2021

What is the role of hormones in obesity?

Obesity is an accumulation of an excessive amount of body fat, it is a complex disease. It is a medical problem that elevates the risk of different health problems and other diseases. Obesity is often measured by Body Mass Index (BMI). According to World Health Organization BMI greater than or equal to 30 is known as obesity. Though BMI has some limitations. Role of hormones in obesity: Role of Ghrelin This hormone influences eating behavior through direct or indirect effects on the brain. Neuropeptide-Y (NPY) is a hormone-like factor in the brain, that probably stimulates appetite. Although a number of signals can affect the ghrelin and leptin hormone, linked with NPY secretion to daily feeding pattern. Ghrelin sometimes called a hunger hormone. It is polypeptide in nature and produced in the stomach. Ghrelin level increases before a meal and quickly falls after food intake. The increase in ghrelin level appears to stimulate NPY, thus encouraging feeding. Role