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Showing posts from August, 2024

Problem-Agitate-Solution (P.A.S) Framework: Cucumber and Its Nutritional Value, History, Health Benefits, and Interesting Facts

Problem: The Overlooked Powerhouse of Nutrition Even in today’s flexible world, our consumption habits reflect more of the ease of obtaining a particular type of food than the necessity of consuming it for our health. They surround us with processed foods, and even when we try to make a conscious effort to make better decisions, we tend to remove those which are most nutritious. One vegetable that is easily overlooked despite all the health benefits it contains is the cucumber. Most people know cucumbers only as an insignificant ingredient, used mostly in salads, while actually they are loaded with nutrients that can actually be helpful and beneficial. Agitate: The Underappreciation and Misuse of Cucumber Think about how often do you include a few slices of cucumber into your salad not taking into account its nutritional properties? Maybe you thought that cucumbers are just composed of water and nothing much to expect from them apart from quenching one’s thirst plus settling for apple-

Garlic: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Interesting Facts

Introduction  Garlic is widely used spice in most or all kitchens around the globe and it is more than a condiment. Garlic is one of the earliest recorded herbs that has not only been used as a spice but also has various remedies. Garlic is one of the few plants that have been appreciated since antiquity and used by contemporaries. But what set this rather smelly bulb apart from the others? Below, we explore the specifics of the nutritional profile and the health impact of garlic together with some pieces of trivia that you might be unaware of.  Problem: Why We Often Overlook Garlic’s True Potential It is at such a point that some of the relativity small activities that may go unnoticed can act as significant factors in enhancing our health. Garlic is generally used only as a spice. Few people know the various nutritional benefits garlic provides and its capability to improve one’s health. Thus instead, people might opt for synthetic supplements, or otherwise skip over all the potentia

Functional Foods: A Deep Dive into the Future of Nutrition

Introduction As the population is gradually shifting toward the search for health and extermination of diseases, foods consumed have become the focus of most attention. While it used to be simply about feeding how we get hungry, now it is about consuming what is good for our bodies. Enter functional foods—the next frontier in the world of nutrition that has been the recent new trend. These are not just foods that can fill the stomach, but foods that if taken can go a long way in reducing diseases and disease risk.   But what is meant by functional foods? How do they work? But why, or rather how are they increasingly becoming a norm in the diet of any individual? This blog will address such queries and others including the scientific foundations the benefits and the prospects of functional foods. Let's get started.  What Are Functional Foods? Functional foods are foods that have been fortified, or which naturally contain bioactive entities that go into supplying health advantages. F

Sustainable and Plant-Based Eating: A Guide Using the P-A-S Framework

Problem: The Unsustainable Food System and Its Impact Today’s global food system is also a significant polluter, with estimates of contribution to global greenhouse gases at between 21% and 37% . This is particularly the case with agriculture, which utilizes a majority of about 70 per cent of freshwater, and therefore the current food system cannot be sustainable in terms of the earth’s capacity or conducive for human health. As the world prepares to deal with a deeper climate change crisis, loss of the earth’s biodiversity and poor health, everyone must embrace sustainable eating. What does sustainable eating mean? Sustainable eating or eating right is therefore not only eating a healthy diet but also involving eating food that has been produced sustainably putting into consideration the effects on the society and economy, and the effects on the environment. Relevant action is taken in response to climate change, nourishment that minimises food waste and seeks to uphold sustainable fo