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Jackfruit - Nutritive value, Health Benefits, and Facts

Jackfruit - Nutritive value, Health Benefits, and Facts

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that is native to India's western coast and it has increased in popularity in recent years in other countries also. Among all other fruits in the world, it is the largest tree fruit. Jackfruits can be eaten in two forms that are ripe and unripe. Ripe form taste's very sweet (ripe form can be eaten as it is) and unripe form gives the texture of chicken (unripe form needs to be cooked before eating). Many people also call it a vegetarian chicken. Also, the seeds can be eaten after cooking. In total, they are very much nutritious and contain many health-promoting nutrients which have lots of health benefits.

So, this blog will discuss the nutritive value and different health benefits of jackfruits and some interesting facts about them.

Nutritive value (Jackfruit, raw. Portion - 100 gram):

  • Energy - 95 kcal
  • Protein - 1.72 g
  • Total lipid (fat) -0.64 g
  • Carbohydrate, by difference - 23.25 g
  • Fiber, total dietary - 1.5 g
  • Sugars, total including NLEA - 19.08 g
  • Calcium, Ca - 24 mg
  • Iron, Fe - 0.23 mg
  • Magnesium, Mg - 29 mg
  • Phosphorus, P - 21 mg
  • Potassium, K - 448 mg
  • Cholesterol - 0 mg

        Source: USDA

Health benefits of Jackfruits:

1. May lower the risk of Diabetes

Several properties of jackfruits may help in the management of blood sugar levels. The Glycemic index (GI) of jackfruit is fairly low. GI determines how quickly your blood sugar will rise after a meal. As jackfruits are low in GI they raise blood sugar levels slowly. Fiber present in jackfruit slows down the digestion process which prevents high spikes in blood sugar level.

Also, this fruit contains some proteins that prevent quick blood sugar rise after a meal.

2. May improve immunity

Jackfruit is high in antioxidants and vitamin C which helps to boost our immune system and helps our body to fight infections.

3. May improve heart health

This fruit contains potassium, antioxidants, and fiber that may reduce the risk of heart disease. The potassium content of jackfruit ensures a balanced regulation of sodium in the body, which in turn may enhance the circulatory system and fitness of the heart.

4. Boost energy

A 100 grams of jackfruit contains 95 Kcal energy and it is also a good source of carbohydrate. Therefore it gives an instant energy boost upon consumption.

5. May prevent Cancer

Phytonutrients and antioxidants are rich in Jackfruits. So, the presence of these substances may eliminate the harmful free radicals and also may eliminate the harmful toxins produced by the body. Free radicals and toxins may have the potential to cause cancer.

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6. May improve bone health

This fruit is a great source of calcium and potassium. Calcium strengthens the bones and may also manage the symptoms of bone-related disorders such as arthritis, osteoporosis. Also, potassium that is present in jackfruit reduces the loss of calcium through kidneys.

7. May prevent Skin problems

Jackfruit provides antioxidants and several nutrients, such as vitamin C, that may promote healthy skin. Vitamin C prevents our skin from sun damage. Also, eating jackfruit may slow the aging of our skin.

8. May enhance Vision

Jackfruits contain vitamin A, an essential nutrient for the health of our eyes. Eating jackfruit may improve your eyesight. They may also be effective in reducing the risk of cataracts and preventing degeneration of the retina.

9. May improve Sleep

Jackfruit is a good source of magnesium, adding them to your diet may improve sleep and reduce the incidence of insomnia.

10. May improve Digestion

Jackfruit seeds contain prebiotics. These prebiotics does not digest in our body but they promote healthy bacterial growth and their activity in the digestive system. Thereby they may improve digestion.

Possible side effects:

If anyone has birch pollen or latex allergy they are may be at higher risk of developing jackfruit allergy. This is because jackfruit contains the same allergens as that is contained in natural latex and pollen.

Interesting facts about Jackfruit:

  • They belong to the family of Moraceae.
  • The binomial name of jackfruit is Artocarpus heterophyllus.
  • Jackfruit trees may live up to 100 years but their productivity declines as they age.
  • The heaviest jackfruit weighed 42.72 kg. It was found in Pune, India.
  • Often seeds of this fruit are thrown-away but they are actually very nutritious.
  • The national fruit of Bangladesh is Jackfruit.
  • The highest amount of jackfruit is produced in India.


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