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Showing posts from March, 2021

Jackfruit - Nutritive value, Health Benefits, and Facts

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that is native to India's western coast and it has increased in popularity in recent years in other countries also. Among all other fruits in the world, it is the largest tree fruit. Jackfruits can be eaten in two forms that are ripe and unripe. Ripe form taste's very sweet (ripe form can be eaten as it is) and unripe form gives the texture of chicken (unripe form needs to be cooked before eating). Many people also call it a vegetarian chicken. Also, the seeds can be eaten after cooking. In total, they are very much nutritious and contain many health-promoting nutrients which have lots of health benefits. So, this blog will discuss the nutritive value and different health benefits of jackfruits and some interesting facts about them. Nutritive value (Jackfruit, raw. Portion - 100 gram): Energy - 95 kcal Protein - 1.72 g Total lipid (fat) -0.64 g Carbohydrate, by difference - 23.25 g Fiber, total dietary - 1.5 g Sugars, total including

Apples - Nutritive value | Health-Benefits | Nutrition | Facts

When it comes to popular fruits Apples are up there somewhere at the top due to their many health benefits. As you know a popular saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is because of the numerous health benefits it has. So, in this blog, we are going to talk about the health benefits of eating apples regularly. Before knowing the benefits we must know what nutrients it contains! So the nutritional value of an apple is given below. Nutritional value Apple, with skin (100 gm): Energy - 52 kcal Protein - 0.26 gram Total lipid (fat) - 0.17 g Carbohydrate - 13.81 g Fiber, total dietary - 2.4 g Cholesterol - 0 mg Calcium, Ca - 6 mg Iron, Fe - 0.12 mg Phosphorus - 11 mg Potassium - 107 mg Sodium - 1 mg           Source: USDA Now coming to the health benefits of Apples - 1. Apples may contribute to weight loss The fiber content of apples may contribute to losing weight because it slows down the digestion process and gives your

Daily healthy routine plan for good health

Good health means leading a life in a healthy manner with no stress, eating healthy foods, doing meditation, and exercise. Nowadays most of us so busy that we forgot to keep an eye on our health. People are busy at their work in office or business. Also using a mobile phone plays a key role in not maintaining proper health. Because we often spend too much time using a mobile phone that we forgot to practice healthy habits. Often people sleep late at night and wakes up late in the morning that is mostly due to addiction with mobile phone and social media. Although mobile phone makes our work easy but it is to be kept in mind that don't get too much addicted so that you don't have enough time to practice healthy habits. So, the followings are few healthy habits that you can try for good health - Sleep enough Lack of sleep makes you feel tired and your concentration levels in any work may go down. In general, healthy practice is sleeping for at least 6-8 hours daily. Inc

What are the health benefits of turmeric! Let us discuss

What is Turmeric? Turmeric is a spice, bright yellow in color. It is typically used for color and flavor in Asian cuisine. Turmeric belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. Many times this plant is confused with Crocus sativus, which is known as saffron or true saffron. As both plants have yellow pigments this mix-up often happens. It is believed that turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-spasmodic, anti-fungal, antiviral, and neuroprotective properties, and much more. It contains bio-active compounds with very powerful medicinal purposes. Turmeric contains something called curcumin, this compound works as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant agent.  So, the followings are the benefits of turmeric - Lowers blood sugar According to the centers for disease control and prevention more than 100 million adults in the United have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Did you know that type 2 diabetes a combination of genetic factors and lifestyle is

Detox Diet - Foods That Naturally Cleanse and Detox Your Body

Detox diet definition Detox diet or foods that naturally cleanse your body are said to remove toxins from your body, promote weight loss, and improve health. To be healthy one has to make the efforts to eat the right kind of food that helps in the detoxification process. Now we will describe some common detox foods that clean your system and ultimately rejuvenate you. 1. Beetroot Vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin C are rich in beetroot. Beetroot is a good source of iron, zinc, and calcium which are all necessary to promote the detoxification process as they act as a detox diet. The beetroot helps in removing toxins from the body. 2. Artichoke Artichoke is rich in antioxidants and fiber acts as a detox diet . They can stimulate liver function as well as improve digestion of fatty foods. Adding artichoke leaves to chicken, seafood, or fish is a good way of consuming artichokes. 3. Asparagus Glutathione is an antioxidant that promotes detoxification is present in asparagus and it is al

Energy boosting foods that you can try for lack of energy

27 Energy-boosting foods that you can try for lack of energy Energy-boosting foods are those which boost your energy to work with full intensity and without lagging behind. Nodding off in meetings, having to take a Nap after lunch! While getting inadequate sleep and failing to exercise can contribute to feeling sluggish, what you eat contributes more to your energy levels than you may realize. Almost all foods give you energy but some foods do a better job than others because they contain nutrients that boost your energy levels and help you be more alert and focused. Whenever you feel a lack of I guess go always go for a cup of tea or coffee, a handful of candy, or any kind of energy drink to provide a quick source of energy that can boost you up. But that will also cause your blood sugar to spike. There are certain foods that are nutrient-rich and energy-sustaining that will keep you going all day long. From eggs, yogurt, dark chocolate, mussels to brown rice, and more can i

11 Foods That Help Lower Your Cholesterol - Best Foods to Lower Cholesterol Fast

11 Foods That Help Lower Your Cholesterol - Best Foods to Lower Cholesterol Fast High cholesterol is a common problem that can be a leading risk factor in the development of heart disease. The good news is that even for people with genetic or family histories with high cholesterol, promoting healthy cholesterol levels may, in fact, be easier than you think. According to a registered dietician, "fostering healthy cholesterol levels in your body can potentially be as easy as simply making some much-needed adjustments to your everyday diet." Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are particles that carry cholesterol from your liver to the other cells in your body however when the level of LDL in your blood is higher than the normal level it can build up and form fatty deposits that clog your arteries. Just as you can easily eat your way to extremely high cholesterol levels you can also lower your cholesterol by changing the foods you eat. Basically, you need to eat more foods that lower

33 Powerful Quality Superfruits, eating them will improve your overall health

Superfruits are those, which are densely concentrated with fiber, minerals, and antioxidants along with the powerful ability to avoid disease and give your skin a youthful glow. Plant enzymes, amino acids, healthy fats, and phytonutrients have made certain fruits rank higher in the spectrum of healthy fruits.  1. Grapefruit Have you been scouring through the internet to find that perfect recipe for weight loss! Then take this as a sign, because adding grapefruit to salads will take you there. They don’t just work inside your body but when added with other ingredients, they enhance their nutritional value as well. This citrus fruit is packed with potassium, fiber, and vitamin C that lowers body weight, and reduces inflammation. Low in calories and high in nutrition, it gives the immune system a good kick.  2. Raspberry Raspberries are enjoyable all year long, the health benefits of raspberries may surprise you! Taking raspberries just half a cup a day provides over 50% of your everyday

Beta oxidation, Beta oxidation pathway and its regulation

Fatty acid oxidation, it also called beta-oxidation of fatty acids. The fatty acids are the major energy source that gives approximately 9 kilocalories per gram of fat intake and the fatty acids in the body are mostly oxidized by beta-oxidation. Beta oxidation may be defined as the oxidation of fatty acids on the beta carbon atom of the fatty acid chain. Sources Dietary lipids - Long-chain fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins are carried to liver cells in bound form with albumin and the body triglycerides, which are used for energy production.  Site of fatty acid oxidation It occurs in the mitochondria of all types of cells like - liver, heart, adipose tissue, kidney, lungs, skeletal muscles, and only to some extent in the brain because the brain is the chief source of medium-chain as well as short-chain fatty acid oxidation.  What are long-chain fatty acids?  Long-chain fatty acids are straight-chain fatty acids that contain twelve or more carbon atoms. Long-chain fatty acids are acti